Fast Glo Free Browsing Cheat July 2018 On Anonytun & Psiphon

Fast Glo Free Browsing Cheat July 2018 On Anonytun & Psiphon

Here again, is a unique free browsing method on Glo network using Anonytun vpn, also added here is XP Generator method has been added for those encountering disconnection.

This fast Glo free browsing cheat works on an IP address in which you will input on the VPN to help you access anonymously.

In other to use the cheat, you need to first set up the access point name, and below is a process to do that,

Firstly, go to your Phone's Settings, tap on "Mobile Network", tap on "Access Points and Names", tap on "Glo" and finally, set it up as follows:

  • Name: safaxnet
  • APN: gloflat or use this 176.90.6868.67:4430@_Ultra
  • Leave other boxes in default.

Fast Glo Free Browsing Cheat 2018 Anonytun VPN

Once done with the access point name setup, open or launch your Anonytun VPN app, and if you don't have, kindly head to Playstore (here) to download one.

Now, go to "Stealth Settings" and toggle on "Stealth Tunnel ON/OFF" option.

More options would appear, then set "Connection protocol" to "HTTP" and "Connection Port" to "80" or "8080".

Fast Glo Free Browsing Cheat 2018 Anonytun VPN

Once done, toggle on "Custom TCP/HTTP Header" and tap on the "EDIT Custom TCP/HTTP header".

Input on the URL/HOST.

Set Request method to POST.

Set Injection method to NORMAL.

In Extra headers, tick the Online Host, User-Agent and Keep-alive boxes. As shown below:

Now, tap on GENERATE and finally, kindly SAVE your settings.

Now go back to the homepage and tap on CONNECT for it to start working. You can then minimize and enjoy your free browsing on your apps and others.

Fast Glo Free Browsing Cheat 2018 XP Psiphon

This is a new settings entirely, use the same APN settings stated above.

Then, download XP Psiphon Generator app from here.

On the sidebar, tap on XP Generator and input the following settings:

  • URL/Host:
  • Proxy: 80

And under Proxy Type, tick the Real Host. As shown below:

Fast Glo Free Browsing Cheat 2018 XP Psiphon

And connect with "United States" as server.

Minimize and start browsing

Kindly note: this cheat works on only Glo 3G sims with no airtime or data, to use it on a 4G sim there is a trick, kindly change HTTP to TCP in the anonytun settings.

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  1. it got connected, but does not browse up to 500 kb

    1. keep trying it, i should browse more than that.

    2. is it possible to share it with PC?

  2. Please mine is reconnecting and can't browse

    1. if i may know, is your SIM a 3G sim? if its not get one... if it is send PAYU to 127, remove sim and restart phone, use gloflat apn and try connecting now.

    2. if i may know, is your SIM a 3G sim? if its not get one... if it is send PAYU to 127, remove sim and restart phone, use gloflat apn and try connecting now.
