Glo 2017 Free Browsing Cheat On XP Psiphon

Glo 2017 Free Browsing Cheat On XP Psiphon

Many Glo users have recently been complaining about the Glo cheat not working or perhaps that it has stopped. In this post is a new Glo free browsing cheat, though you might say its not really new in terms of the settings and methods to setup the cheat, Yes...

It was adapted from an old cheat, but this cheat has been updated and its working perfectly.

The cheat works for the Psiphon XP VPN application, which can be downloaded when you scroll through the post.

Some users would know about the XP Psiphon app already, which is basically like an extended/pro Psiphon app, with more advanced features.

Some features of the XP Psiphon
  • Very fast and easy to use
  • US, INDIA, SINGAPORE and SPAIN servers added
  • Improved UI
  • It supports tethering (USB tether, WIFI tether and generic tether)
  • Auto import config
  • Secured config
  • Splash theme
  • Reliable
  • And many more

Glo 2017 Free Browsing Cheat On XP Psiphon

First of all, you need to download XP Psiphon, Click Here, if you don't have it.

  • A Glo sim with 0.00 balance and no data
  • Strong 3G network
  • Your Android phone
  • XP Psiphon - Click Here to download!
APN Settings

Apn name: SAFAXNET
APN: glosecure
APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
Proxy: leave it blank
Port: leave it blank
Username and Password: secure

Open the XP Psiphon App tap on the navigation icon Up - Top left corner of the app (three white dash) => XP Generator.

New Glo 2017 Free Browsing Cheat On XP Psiphon

Use this settings below:
  • Url/Host:
  • Proxy:
  • Real Proxy type: HTTP
  • Proxy type: tick Real Host ✔
Latest Glo 2017 Free Browsing Cheat

Now, tap on Generate

In selected server, choose United states

Now, tap on Connect.

It will then connect within few minutes.

That's All, Drop your comments!
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  1. Does it work for PC too? and how can it be configured for PC?

  2. can it be used for downloading?

  3. how can i use it on my pc have not tested it on on my phone tho......

    1. For now, there's no information on how it can be used on PC, it only works on Mobile.

  4. Anytime i send PAYU to 127 it tells me "the plan you're trying to purchase is not compatible with your current data plan." Pls is there any way around this cos the psiphon isn't connecting

    1. The only advice is to try it out using another Glo SIM

  5. can it work on bluestacks

  6. Pls help i tried sending the payu to 127 it refuse to activate is their any other way
