How To Get More Free Instagram Followers - [My Quick Tips]

How To Get More Free Instagram Followers - [My Quick Tips]

In this post a few tricks that has really helped out in getting followers on Instagram for me, and am sure this methods will also be of great help to you too.

This method doesn't require buying any Instagram account or a cheat method(s) of getting followers, but instead a real and genuine way, and this having followed it properly will for sure earn you even more followers on Instagram. You just need to do a little work.

1. Instagram Followers Through Instagram Stories 

Instagram Stories has been a huge hit since you could first create your own Story back in August of last year. They’re fun, versatile, and a great way to connect with your audience. Not just that but you also got a chance to be recommended by instagram.

Take a moment and head to the Explore page on Instagram. Notice the row of Instagram Stories at the top of the page? The reason those Stories appear is because Instagramselected them based on  the accounts you follow and the posts you like. Instagram may also show you Stories that accounts you follow have liked, or were liked by a large number of people.

The better your Stories are, and the more they speak to a specific audience, the higher the chance that Instagram will add your account to the recommended Stories at the top of the Explore tab

2. Instagram Followers By 'Share Engaging Videos' 

Video content is a powerful tool for brands looking to build trust with their followers and reach new audience. Uploading relevant video gives you higher engagement which means the more likes and comments your post receives, the more people will see your post. In other words, if you’re able to generate a lot of engagement on your Instagram posts shortly after posting, this signals to Instagram that your post is quality, engaging content and your post will move to the top of your followers feeds and be shown to more users.

Tricks To Getting The Follower

Now, all you have to do after any of the methods mentioned above is to apply these tricks below;

Search the hashtag #Likeforfollow

Now go through pics and start to like pics that you feel are in some way associated with your brand. Not all will follow you back for a like, but the return rate is around 10%, which is pretty decent for a few mins work. Depending on what time it is, you'll start to get followers back within minutes!

Search the hashtag #Shoutout

Go through and again do the same. People will give you a shout out on their page and people will follow you.


Comment on peoples Pictures

The 'follow back' percentage is a lot higher if you do this. People get likes all the time, they don't always check who's liked their pics. Comments are a little rarer, so the user is more likely to check out who commented on their pic. Just little comments like 'great pic', 'nice shot', 'I've been there!' and so on.

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