Etisalat Nigeria - Blackberry Service - BIS Subscriptions To Stop

Etisalat Nigeria - Blackberry Service - BIS Subscriptions To Stop

Information now reviled on the news around the Nigeria telecom giants, Etisalat, that they will be stopping their blackberry services, popularly known as the BIS Subscription soon.

Well it is no news that there are so many issues raging the blackberry mobile company, i think many of this problems they have face d is because of the decline in the purchase of blackberry phones in recent times. Even on checking my websites stats in the last 3 months i did not see a Brower/Phone Operator using blackberry to visit my website. This is very serious.

Blackberry also said about some few months back that they would stop the creation of the blackberry operating system and now start with creation of blackberry devices using the Android OS, this tells you how much decline blackberry operating system has faced overtime.

See a quote i got below:
T-Mobile, one of the largest retail store in the US have stopped the sale of Blackberry Priv, AT&T one of blackberry Allie also backing out.

CEO John Chen said in October that the company would exit the smartphone business, which has been on life support for years.
Another point on this is when Whatsapp Co. came up with on official statement that they would stop all Whatsapp Services for Blackberry device. I think they have done that already though i do not have any official post on this. But sincerely speaking in a nutshell blackberry has losts its market value as some reputations, even if you try searching for phones to buy on any online marketing store, i tell you, you cannot see any blackberry device in their Top 100 phone... #LOL thats poor though!

Now Etisalat Nigeria finally want to stop blackberry users in Nigeria from using their blackberry phones to browse the Internet by Stopping the Blackberry Service - BIS Subscriptions.

Below is a screenshot image of a message a friend of my received from Etisalat Nigeria yesterday.

Etisalat to stop blackberry bb services

The image text is shown below:
“Dear Customer, our BB service will no longer be available. You will continue to enjoy your current subscription till it expires. Thank you for choosing Etisalat”
Though only Etisalat Nigeria has officially brought out a statement on the stop of the blackberry service - BIS subscriptions, we are yet to get any information from MTN Nigeria, Airtel or Glo Network operators, well i think we should be expecting one soon!

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