Now just to re-iterate, tomorrow is the D-Day, as 10th November is gonna be Black, get ready and gear up, lemme not talk too much but Iphone 8 might just be slashed to ..... you know what i mean, similarly are other products gonna be affected by huge discounts, stay glued to us and get ready to place your orders tomorrow.
Konga Black Friday Deals 2017 - Day 4
Yesterday deals where we saw some huge black friday discounts on products from Konga Black Friday Day 3 Yakata Deals November 8th 2017, today, we would be taking a look at deals in general, here i will be giving you some list of great discounts available today from Konga based on categories, take a look:Huge discounts we have here, see laptops, desktops, monitors and even more computer accessories/electronic devices, depending on the product, you get upto 36% discount off any order you make. To shop now on any of this electronic devices via the konga page click here
Some tech gadgets and electronics, just like game console, headsets, woofers, television set are available at special discounted prices, Click here to get upto 45% off any tech gadget order you make now
Intel brand is something special today, click here to see huge super deals on some of these new intel branded laptops
More deals loading... check konga page - click here
Quick remider, as this deals changes and updates, we would as well be updating this page to notify you immediately, similarly you can check the konga black friday here to find out deals as they roll in for today.
Also Payment on delivery option is available for all orders, if you have any issues with places an order, drop a comment below or contact us on Whatapp via 08185820902 and we will get back to you ASAP.